All tagged politics

Processing January 6, 2021

So, are we awake yet? There have been and will continue to be many, many words written about the events of January 6, 2021. I have already seen it written that it will be a day remembered in the history books and seared into our national collective memory akin to 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing. I have no doubt about that. Similarly, I remember sitting at our kitchen table eating out of a box of Cheese-Its as President Clinton was impeached in ‘98. I was 12 years old and I remember not understanding why my mom looked so grave. I don’t remember any of the coverage, just that image of my mother as his impeachment was announced.

Women's March in Raleigh

I got out of bed shortly after I heard my kids emerge from their room. I had failed, yet again, to get up before them to write, to run, to read. For the past year almost, I have felt defeated, rarely writing, running inconsistently and never reading as much as I probably should be. One day turns into two and two to four and so on and so forth, and the longer I put it off the scarier and harder it becomes. But as I heard my seven year old begin her work on her poster, which she decided would read: "Stand for what's right, even if you're standing alone," I suddenly found a little bit of motivation I didn't previously have…

Silver Linings

My oldest daughter loves to tell us that she is brown—she takes a lot of pride in the fact that she is half of her father, who is British and Afro-Caribbean, his biological father being full Jamaican. His biological mother was a red head, and I can sometimes see a stray auburn hair amidst his tight curls. My girls get their beautiful and often commented on curls from him, while my son has my hair…