Hello and welcome! I’m cat. I’m a mother, a woman, a feminist, a reader, and a writer. I am a lover of stories. Thank you for being here, really. not living in brooklyn, ny.

Dream Variation by Langston Hughes

Dream Variation by Langston Hughes

Wednesday, February 7, 2018.

I was at the kid's school for Evelyn's "Frog Festival" which included some type of green drink and a game of Name. That. Frog! Her class has been doing a frog unit since November. Bless those teachers. 

We were in the library, and in between naming that frog and listening to third graders read their very detailed frog reports, a book of poems by Langston Hughes caught my eye. I couldn't stop flipping back to this particular poem. I'll let it speak for itself. 

To fling my arms wide

In some place of the sun, 

To whirl and to dance

Till the white day is done. 

Then rest at cool evening

Beneath a tall tree

When night comes on gently

         Dark like me—

That is my dream!


To fling my arms wide

In the face of the sun, 

Dance! Whirl! Whirl!

Till the quick day is done. 

Rest at pale evening…

A tall, slim tree…

Night coming tenderly

         Black like me.

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